Teks description / deskriptif bertujuan untuk menggambarkan seseorang, sesuatu, benda atau hewan secara khusus. Teks nya juga menyodorkan banyak informasi tentang sesuatu tertentu secara terperinci dan detail.
Teks Description Umumnya memiliki struktur (Generic Structure) :
1. Identification >>> pengenalan subjek atau hal yang akan di deskriptifkan
2. Description >>> Penginformasian ciri – ciri subjek, misalnya sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur – fitur khas, kualitas dan sejenisnya.
Unsur kebahasaan yang di gunakan dalam teks Descriptive (Language Focus) :
- Noun yang spesifik, misalnya father,, school, my dog, dll
- Detailed noun phrase, kata benda yang mendapatkan perian kata sifat, misalnya :
an intelligent tall student
perian noun
4. bergam jenis adjective yang bersifat describing, numebering, classifying, misalnya
three tall building
sharp white fang
5. Relational process, menggunakan kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan participant, dan mengisyaratkan kepemilikan
My car has four doors
My father is really hansome
6. figurative language, menggunakan bahasa figuratif (majas) seperti simile atau metafor sebagai cara untuk memberikan sebuah ilustrasi perbandingan
My throat is as dry as a dessert
Her skin is white as cloud, and smoth as water
Examples Of Descritive Text ( Contoh )
My Toy
I have a toy. IT is a doll, abear dool, and I call it teddy.
Teddy bear is an american origin. My dad bought it as a present for my tenth birthday anniversary last year. The doll is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Because my teddy bear is a doll. I don’t need to feed it. I wash it at the laundry at least once a month. Every night teddy accompanies me sleeping. When I am at school, teddy saty in my bed. Teddy bear is really a nice, adorable, and charming toy. I love my teddy bear very much.
My best Friend
I have a lot of friend. But, my closest friend is teacher agung
Teache agung is my classmate. He is so handsome and cute. He has short wavy but rather blonde hair, which is always combed neatly. his skin is white. he has bluish back eyes with thick eyebrows and outstanding eyelashes. His round face makes him more impressive. Althought Teacher agung is not so tall, he has a well-build body. People frecuently think he is an european or american offspring, buthe is actually a minang genuine. He looks more handsome when he is smilling.
Teacher agung is a pleasing peer. I am happy to spend my time with him. he is always available to helps his friends who are in trouble. He is never angry with any friends who try to annoy him. Because he is so mart, most of his classmates seek him to explain any difficulties in any school subject. I am proud of having such best friend
My Pet
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie.
Brownie is a chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cundlle it, the fur feel soft. Brownie doesn’t like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight may be because brownie doesn’t bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house.
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