Sering kali kita temui perdebatan antara berbedaan yang terdapat pada explanation and report text. Sebenarnya perbedaan dari kedua jenis teks ini sangat lah jelas, Namun kali ini saya akan mencoba untuk menerangkan secara jelas pada anda.
Adapun persamaan dari kedua jenis teks ini adalah dua-duanya membeicarakan suatu hasil dari pengamatan, observasi, penelitian dan studi.
Nah, kalau perbedaannya adalah dalam teks explanation, yang di tonjolkan adalah ‘proses’ sesuatu itu kenapa dia bisa ada atau terbentuk, contohnya "bagaimana gunung merapai meledak, dia meledak karena ada prosess........ (ada hubungan sebab-akibat)" atau kita contohkan pada hewan maka kita bisa buat seperti "bagaimana kucing melahirkan" maka yang kita bikin adalah berupa prosesnya!! Paham.
Sedangkan Report teks, yang di tonjolkan disini adalah menjelaskan keadaan atau unsur-unsur yang di miliki participant, seperti "gunung merapi memiliki larva yang sangat panas yang dapat merusak lingkungan di sekitarnya" kalau kita contohkan pada hewan maka kita bisa menceritakan asal usul hewan mamalia/kucing, atau kita bisa menjelaskan bentuk kucing itu secara umum.
Manakala yang di bicarakan benda, report lebih menyoroti apa sih fungsi dan kegunaan dari benda/alat tersebut. Di pihak lain, explanation lebih menyoroti asal-usul benda tersebut bisa ada/bisa terjadi.
Sedangkan Report teks, yang di tonjolkan disini adalah menjelaskan keadaan atau unsur-unsur yang di miliki participant, seperti "gunung merapi memiliki larva yang sangat panas yang dapat merusak lingkungan di sekitarnya" kalau kita contohkan pada hewan maka kita bisa menceritakan asal usul hewan mamalia/kucing, atau kita bisa menjelaskan bentuk kucing itu secara umum.
Manakala yang di bicarakan benda, report lebih menyoroti apa sih fungsi dan kegunaan dari benda/alat tersebut. Di pihak lain, explanation lebih menyoroti asal-usul benda tersebut bisa ada/bisa terjadi.
Perhatikan perbandingan berikut !
Teks Report
Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breath ait but can not survive or land.
Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important difference in its external structure; its tail consists of pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tails of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30m in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.
Teks Explanation
From Cushion to Future Bear
Where did the bears come from ? Bear as we know him ahas not existed on this earth for very long period of time, but his predecessors may go back many hundreds of years. Most authorities now bealive that the handsome, two-ledgged bear of today evolved from a single-celled organism – a speck of dusj perhaps. Then gradually, through natural selection and survival of the fittest speck, cotton wool balls developed. We do not know exactly when the first soft fumishings appeared on earth, but they must have been very simple beings.
In the beginning was the cushion. Not very impressive object – simply a lump of padding material held together with some sort of covering – but this inauspicious start developed two reptilian form that were the direct ancestors of moderm bear.
oneof the first evolutinary steps occured when a mutant, misshapen cushion was created. He must have appeared very strange to his felow cushions, but he was the first Bean Bag Frog. Filled with beans, rice or other non-toxic substance, he has two eyes and four legs. Bean Bag Frogs, however , were pretty useless on land, being incredible floppy, and in water they tended to sink.
At about the same time as the Bean Bag Frog was emerging, the cushion was developing a long different lines into the Drought Excluder. At first merely a long thin cushion, it gradually evelolved eyes, a forked tongue and a patterned body. Its tendency to lie along the bottom of draughty perhaps points to the lack of an efficient body cooling mechanism.
From this rather basic creatures the first Toy Dag developed. Long and thin like a Draught Excluder, and with four legs like a Bean Bag Frog, he still had difficulty in moving about owing to his very short spendages.
Movement became easier with the invention of the wheel. Dog-on-Wheels was avery successful species for many years but is now threatened with extinction. A few remain in captivity but they appear to have difficulty reproducing themselves under this circumstances.
When the first soft toy stood up and walked o two legs instead of four, modern (Teddy) bear was born.
Penjelasan :
- Teks Whales di anggap report karena lingkup pemaparan lebih menonjolkan keadaan atau bagian serta behaviour dari participant
- Teks From Cushion to Future Bear dianggap Explanation karena pemaparannya lebih menonjolkan bagaimana evolusi atau proses Teddy Bear bisa ada
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